
You are scheduled for a cardioversion procedure. Cardioversion is a procedure designed to restore normal heart rhythm. Elective non-emergent cardioversion is performed by your physician and nursing staff in your room. Heart irregularities, such as atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter, may be converted to a normal heart rhythm (normal sinus rhythm).
Before The Procedure
- You will be asked to sign a consent form after your doctor has explained the procedure and the risks to you.
- Please do not eat or drink after midnight before the procedure.
- Staff will enter your room with an equipment cart and monitor.
- You will be connected to the monitor with pads placed on your chest and back.
- An intravenous catheter (IV catheter) will be placed in your hand or arm. The medicine given during the procedure will be given through this catheter.
During The Procedure
- Oxygen will be given to you by face mask.
- After connecting you to a heart monitor, some medication will be given through your IV catheter. You may feel some burning in your arm and may briefly fall asleep. You may not remember the procedure.
- An electrical impulse is administered through the two pads placed on your chest and back. This impulse may restore your heart to a normal sinus rhythm.
After The Procedure
- Some short term drowsiness may occur and you may notice some redness on your chest.
- The nursing staff monitors your vital signs until you are fully awake.
- You will be instructed when to take your medicines, eat, and get out of bed.
- Depending upon your overall condition you may go home later the same day.